Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

6 Healthy Food Habits to Have During Changing Weather

As the weather transitions, it is important to pay attention to the food habits we maintain.

Our diets have a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being, especially during times of change. 

To adapt to changing weather conditions and avoid getting sick, it is essential to focus on eating well. 

Here are some key food habits that can help you stay healthy and energized during the transitioning weather. 

One of the ways to survive weather transition without getting sick is incorporating Vitamin C into your diet. Citrus fruits are a common source.

Liquids are essential for the body’s ability to adapt to the changing weather. If you cannot drink a lot of water, other options to keep yourself hydrated include juices and soups.

Lemon green tea contains antioxidants, making it ideal to consume during the changing of the seasons and easing the symptoms of a cold.

Look up the variety of local seasonal produce available in your region. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables help in boosting your immune system. 

Look up the variety of local seasonal produce available in your region. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables help in boosting your immune system. 

Sticking to a timetable of three meals a day can help repel overeating. If you follow this plan sincerely, then trappings like highly processed, deep fried, and sugary foods may seem less tempting.