6 healthy juices to burn  belly fat

Moneycontrol News, March 12, 2024

Scribbled Underline

 1. Beetroot & carrot

 Beetroots are packed with antioxidants and fibre, helping to detoxify your liver and boost metabolism. Carrots provide a natural sweetness while being low in calories and high in vitamins A and K. Recipe: Combine two beets, four carrots, one-inch ginger (peeled), and a dash of lemon juice in a juicer. Serve chilled.

2. Cucumber & spinach

Cucumbers are low in calories and high in water content, making them a natural diuretic that helps flush out toxins. Spinach is rich in fibre as well as vitamins A and C, which aid digestion and promote a feeling of fullness. Recipe: Blend one cucumber, a handful of spinach leaves, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Strain and serve over ice.

3. Kale & pineapple

Kale is a nutritional powerhouse, brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Pineapple adds a tropical twist and contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion. Recipe: Blend a handful of kale leaves, one cup of pineapple chunks, one apple (cored), and a splash of coconut water. Enjoy the vibrant green goodness.

4. Spinach & celery

Spinach is a low-calorie leafy green packed with fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Celery provides a satisfying crunch and is known to curb cravings. Recipe: Combine two cups of spinach, four celery stalks, one green apple, and a squeeze of lemon in a juicer. Pour into a glass and savour the freshness.

5. Cabbage & lemon

Cabbage is incredibly low in calories and high in fibre, aiding digestion and helping you feel full. Lemon provides a zesty kick while promoting detoxification. Recipe: Blend half a cabbage, lemon juice, and a pinch of Himalayan salt. Strain and enjoy this zingy elixir.

6. Bottle gourd & celery

This is a simple but powerful detox juice recipe for all weight watchers. Since bottle gourd and celery both are alkaline in nature, together they work as an incredible detoxifier. Recipe: Blend five stalks of celery (diced), a medium-sized bottle gourd, a few coriander and curry leaves. Serve chilled.