6 Kitchen Spices That Aid Digestion

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Digestion plays a very important role in our well-being as well as our body.

In recent times, studies have shown that many spices present in our kitchen stimulate the liver to secrete bile that has a higher amount of bile acids.

Bile acids are extremely important for fat digestion, as well as the absorption of food in our bodies.

Following are the spices that have been used for thousands of years with incredible success.

Ginger consists of phenolic compounds that are known to relieve gastrointestinal irritations. It plays an important role in saliva and bile production.

Almost every Indian dish has turmeric in it. It not only gives colour to the dish but is also known for its healing properties. Turmeric is an antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral spice.

Cinnamon helps to keep blood sugar levels steady and supports good digestion. This spice provides a naturally sweet flavour in breakfast dishes and baked goods.

Fennel seeds are a very good source of dietary fibre. It has metabolically inert insoluble fibre, so it increases the bulk of the food that we eat as it goes through our digestive system. This reduces constipation problems.

Fenugreek seeds are also very good for your health. Along with controlling your blood sugar, the use of fenugreek seeds is very beneficial for the stomach as well. Fenugreek seeds act like a natural digestive. 

Cumin is among the most powerful digestive tonic of the five spices of digestion. It has a strong taste and helps to cool the digestive system while boosting digestive strength.