Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

6 Simple Ways To Boost Your Memory

Small instances such as safekeeping a document and then forgetting its location speak volumes about our memory.

We often find ourselves in dire situations that require us to remember things that have happened in the past in detail.

Hence, it is important to give your memory a jog from time to time. Here are some tips to keep your memory sharp.

Having a routine lifestyle not only makes you more efficient but also leaves space in your brain to fit in other things that you need to remember.

Make sure that you always follow a fitness regime. This not only helps you maintain your physical health but makes you push yourself harder in every other field and maintain strong mental health.

Designing a diet plan and sticking to it is important to keep yourself healthy. This requires one to do lots of research about what is good for your body and brain.

Enough and sound sleep is important for your brain to function properly. Otherwise, lethargy takes over and your memory weakens over time.

Make sure you practice creativity while trying to remember things. It is important to create or remember the story behind the subject you are trying to remember.

Writing things down and using pictorial representations instead of just listening to something, help in remembering things better.