6 Things You Need to Pack for A Beach Wedding

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Are you packing for a beach wedding? Here's a list of items you can include in your packing list for a beach wedding.

SPF to avoid sunburn and tanning

Include sunscreen or a spray with at least SPF 50 to prevent tanning. You can also add a pair of sunglasses to compliment your attire in the sun.

Sandals/loafers for the beach

You can carry flip-flops or fancy sandals according to your outfits for a beach wedding because it is hard to walk on the sand wearing heels.

Oil blotting papers

Beaches are not compatible with makeup and the humidity leaves your matte makeup look with a sticky base. You can carry some oil blotting papers to remove the oil and sweat.

Hair serum/shine cream to beat the frizz

To make your hairstyles last, carry a refresh styling spray and hair serum for a sleek shine.


It is important to carry medicines for fatigue, diarrhea, body aches, and hangovers so that you don’t end up missing out on all the fun. You can also consult your doctor if you have any illness and your medication needs to be changed.

Beach-friendly attire

It is important to choose your outfit carefully if you are attending any beach wedding. You can opt for breathable fabric outfits instead of body-hugging ones.