6 Tips To Get Rid of Your Toxic Ex

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Be clear when breaking up

Make it crystal clear that the relationship is over and there are no chances of a patch-up. Don’t send mixed signals and keep this conversation short.

Define boundaries

If you stay in touch with them even after your breakup, they will believe that there’s still a chance to get you back. So, maintaining healthy boundaries by remaining firm is crucial.

Take screenshots of abusive texts

If your obsessive ex is constantly messaging you online, sending you threatening emails or making fake profiles to try to communicate with you, start taking screenshots. It is an easy way to prove if any situation escalates or gets worse.

Talk about it

It can be hard to speak up when you’re going through a hostile breakup. Don’t bad-mouth your ex, but be honest about the things that are bothering you with your friends and family.

Be mentally strong

If your ex is taking the breakup badly, you might feel guilty. Believe in yourself and trust your judgement. He/she might say hurtful and disrespectful things to you or try to injure them to get you to talk to them again.

Let them know when they cross the line

Be clear and direct if your ex does something that you find abusive, and tell them to stop. If they still don’t leave you alone, let them know that you will take further action.