By Bindu Gopal Rao | May 31, 2024
Unfortunately, it does not always get the attention it deserves. A good night’s sleep can help maintain physical and mental wellbeing. It is the body’s way of repairing itself and helping you stay fit and healthy. Here are seven bedtime rituals that will help you sleep better...
Following a simple rule of sleeping at the same time daily will help you get better quality sleep as your body gets adjusted to a routine. This means that your brain will also be trained to tell you that you need to sleep, which will bring in a proper sleep schedule into your life.
While your mobile phone is the biggest culprit, television is also a no when it comes to proper sleep. Switch off or keep your phone on silent mode. Do not watch television or any other gadget. Keep your devices away from your bed, do not sleep with your phone on the bed. The blue light from gadgets has a negative impact on sleep.
Sleeping as soon as you eat is the biggest fallacy you could be making. Make sure that you have a gap of anywhere between 2.5 to 3 hours before you sleep so that your food is well digested. Also try and aim for food that is light and easily digestible for dinner so that you do not feel full or sleep with a full stomach.
A regular walking regimen can help post meals and before sleeping is an effective way to sleep better. You can walk at home if you are unable to go outside, it is just as effective.
You can simply close your eyes and sit in a quiet corner of your home while observing your breath. It is an easy and effective way to calm your mind. This will also help you sleep without any disturbing thoughts.
If you are using an air conditioner, make sure you set it to a comfortable level that is as close to the outside temperature. Draw your curtains and switch off all lights. If you like a specific aroma, you can use an aromatherapy dispenser or a pillow spray.