Producer:  Priyanka Singh Editor: Sujata Singh

6 Types of Foods You Can Eat on a Sattvic Diet


Whole grains like aged and brown rice, millets (jowar, bajra, ragi and so on), oats, grain, and whole wheat. Bread, being processed and containing yeast, isn’t considered Sattvic.

Natural Fruits

Oranges, lemons, sweet lime, grapes, melons, apples, bananas, berries, apricots, dates, mangoes, peaches, pears and plums are Sattvic.


Almost all vegetables are part of the Sattvic diet except onion and garlic, which are considered rajasic and have a sharp pungent smell. Mushrooms and potatoes are considered tamasic in nature.


Milk is one of the perfect Sattvic food varieties, which is the essence of therapeutic and medicinal plants the animal has eaten. Milk items like butter, ghee, homemade paneer/curd and whey are also Sattvic.

Nuts, Seeds and Oils

Any nuts and seeds that are not simmered or salted are considered. Almonds soaked overnight and peeled for consumption are considered excellent for wellbeing. Ayurveda recommends cold-squeezed oils.

Instead of Flavours, make it Spices

Spices utilized usually in our homes like pepper, jeera, dhania, ginger, and turmeric help in digestion, have anti-microbial properties and have a few other health advancing compounds.