6 Types Of Jaggery You Must Know

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

Jaggery is a natural sweetener that has become a popular choice among health-conscious people. Here are six types of jaggery that you can add to your diet for better flavour.

Date Palm Jaggery

This variety of jaggery can be considered as high with a flavour profile comparable to chocolate. It is produced by extracting date palm sap which is then cooked and then finally churned by hand.

Sugarcane Jaggery

It is one of the most popular types of jaggery. It is made by extracting the sugarcane juice, filtering, boiling, and then freezing it to form hard jaggery blocks.

Coconut Jaggery

It is formed by using raw coconut sap. It is widely used as an ingredient in Goan cuisine.

Toddy Palm Jaggery

It is made from the sap of the toddy palm tree. It is known for its rich dark colour and delicious flavour with notes of toffee and caramel.

Marayoor Jaggery

Marayoor is a town in the district of Idukki of Kerala. The town is famous for its sugarcane production. It is made using the local sugarcane is a famous delicacy.

Palmyra Jaggery

Palmyra jaggery is created from the sap of the palmyra palm. This variety of jaggery is specifically popular in West Bengal.