6 Unusual Ingredients You Can Use In Place Of Fertilizers

Lined Circle

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Whether you are a plant parent or simply want to show off a good garden to neighbours and guests, the art of gardening comes with its share of challenges.

There are many expensive fertilisers out there in the market, but they can put a deep dent in your pocket. Here are some unusual items you can use and see your garden flourish.

Buttermilk: In instances where plants face issues like mould, damping off, or shrinkage, an effective solution involves the use of buttermilk. Create a solution by diluting buttermilk with water. Transfer this mixture into a spray bottle and apply it by misting the plants.

Soapy water: Soapy water eliminates insects like mealy bugs, caterpillars and aphids from the plants. Dissolve 4-5 spoons of liquid soap or hand wash in 5 litres of water. Now spray it on the plants. This will prevent insects from growing in the plants.

Aspirin: Many individuals use aspirin tablets to alleviate pain, but aspirin can also be employed to protect plants from diseases. Dissolve aspirin in water and spray it on the plants. Additionally, mix this aspirin solution into the soil.

Epsom salt: Epsom salt triggers plant growth. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 10 litres of water and sprinkle it on the plants. Tomato, brinjal, chilli and rose plants can be easily grown using this solution.

Honey: Gardening enthusiasts frequently engage in grafting plants to propagate new ones from branches. Honey can be a useful aid in this process. Prepare a solution by boiling honey in 2 cups of water, then let it cool. Submerge the cut branch in this honey-infused water and plant it in soil or sand. It will promote rapid root development.

Coconut water: You can use coconut water to keep plants healthy. Coconut water is rich in nutrients, acts as a tonic for plants. Mix 100 ml coconut water in 5 litres of water and pour it onto the plants.