Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

7 Animals That Are More Romantic Than Humans


 When seahorses court, they hold tails, touch noses and change colours. Once they have mated, the romance doesn’t go out the window; they continue to flirt daily through the incubation period.


They may look like bad boys, but are actually the nice boys one should take home to mom. Wolves mate for life with most packs consisting of an adult male, a female and their offspring(s).


Not only does this specie have a cute name but it also loves to cuddle. Bonobos mate like humans and show their affection by hugging and kissing. You may also have seen fellow bonobos grooming one another.


The gorgeous looking birds form separate groups of males and females and dance, much like the debut nights in the Victorian era. The idea is to strut together in search of a mate. 


Lovebirds are monogamous creatures that start their romance really young, at around two months old. It begins with the female ruffling her feathers to attract a male, who reciprocates by bobbing his head up and down in a ritualistic dance. 


They first start coming to the breeding colonies and learn from their elders, observing the specie’s mating rituals, like dancing, preening, staring, pointing etc. After years of homework, the albatross participates in these mating rituals; it starts by dancing with many partners, but over the years, trims it down to the chosen one.

Prairie Voles

Love happens only once, right? The prairie vole would agree. This rodent, unlike its cousins, moves in with his first girlfriend and stays with her for the rest of their lives.