7 Basic Steps for Organic Farming

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Test the soil on your farm to ascertain its pH and nutrient levels first.

Develop a crop rotation strategy to avoid soil erosion and the accumulation of pests and diseases.

Utilise organic and biological pest and disease management techniques, such as neem oil or the introduction of beneficial insects.

To uphold the integrity of your organic farming techniques, choose non-GMO, organic seeds for your crops.

Avoid using chemical herbicides by using methods like mechanised cultivation, hand weeding, and mulching.

Use effective irrigation techniques to save water and avoid waterlogging.

Use organic sources of nutrients instead of synthetic fertilisers, such as compost, manure, and organic fertilisers.

Use sustainable farming methods like no-till farming and agroforestry to increase long-term soil health, prevent erosion, and promote biodiversity.