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7 Bed Exercises For Weight Loss

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

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Getting up at 5 am to hit the gym may be usual for many, but it can be bothersome for some. Here are some bed exercises you can include in your weight loss regimen.

Glute bridges

Getting up at 5 am to hit the gym may be usual for many, but it can be bothersome for some. Here are some bed exercises you can include in your weight loss regimen.


This exercise engages your core and keeps your body in a straight line.

Russian twist

This move works your obliques while also targeting your shoulders and hips.

Bicycle crunch

Bicycle crunches target your entire core. They target the oblique and give your abs a defined shape.


Sit-ups promote good posture by working your lower back and gluteal muscles. They target rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques in addition to your hip flexors, chest, and neck.

Happy baby pose

This pose is a great stretch for the inner thighs, inner groins, hips, hamstrings, and even the shoulders and chest are involved.

Child's pose

It focuses on lengthening your spine, opening your hips, and stretching your thighs.