7 benefits of having watermelon in summer

Moneycontrol News March 26, 2024

Images: Unsplash

Images: Unsplash

Watermelons have 92% water. It means that you are consuming fewer calories and with a lot of food. It also helps your body  stay hydrated and cool during high summers.


It helps your kidneys convert L-citrulline (amino acid) into L-arginine (amino acid) which have a tendency to protect you from diabetes.


Since this fruit consists of mostly water, it gives you a feeling of fullness and this will curb your appetite and thus help in losing weight.


Lycopene, found in watermelons,  helpsreduce cholesterol and thereby reduce your risk of developing heart-related diseases.


The vitamin C in watermelon can prevent a periodontal disease which is characterised by tooth loss, infection and is also linked to heart diseases.


Watermelon contains electrolytes that can prevent heat strokes in summers.


Low potassium in the human body can cause numbness and tingling. Watermelon is a rich source of potassium that can regulate nerve function thus providing relief from such symptoms.
