7 Best Food Habits To Maintain Health In Monsoon

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Your body is more prone to illnesses because of the air's high moisture content during monsoon. Here are some food habits which can help maintain your health in monsoon.

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Eating frequent, short, and light meals can help sustain your energy and suffice the need for the necessary nutrition.

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Small and Light Meals

Water consumption must be sustained throughout the day at regular intervals during monsoon as it provides your body with enough water.

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Sufficient Hydration

It is important to drink boiled water since this helps to eradicate hazardous bacteria and germs from the water.

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Drink Boiled Water

Raw salads, precut fruits, and other items that aren't fully cooked can have germs during the monsoon.

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Don't Eat Raw or Pre-Cut Foods

Whole grains are high in fibre. They contain insoluble fibre.

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Prioritise Whole Grains

Avoid eating fried foods in monsoon as the body's ability to digest food is diminished in these humid conditions.

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Avoid Fried Foods

Sugary juices and drinks contain high amounts of fructose which can make you bloated and gassy. Its excessive consumption can raise the risk of diabetes and cause blood sugar spikes.

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Avoid Packaged Sugary Drinks