7 best foods to consume before long-haul flights

Oranges and watermelons Fruits like oranges and watermelons which contain a lot of water can be good choices ahead of long-haul flights.

Lean protein  Eating lean protein such as non-fat yogurt, turkey, or chicken can make you feel full. Maximise the benefits by combining lean protein with fruits or veggies. 

Unsalted nuts Nuts can be carried easily and also provide a great source of gut-friendly fiber and protein. They are filled with magnesium which helps fight bloating. 

Protein bars Protein bars are easy to stash in your purse or bag and grab on-the-go. 

Herbal tea In addition to water, you can also bring some tea bags with you to drink on the trip.

Yoghurt It is an excellent source of protein which strengthens the immune system.

Corn flakes  Corn flakes aid in hydration and the promotion of sound sleep.