7 Bizarre Study Tools You Won’t Believe Can Help You Ace Exams

By Rajni Pandey | August 21, 2024

Looking for unconventional ways to boost your study game? These 7 bizarre tools might seem strange, but they could help you ace those exams like never before!

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unconventional Tools of Success

These toys might seem distracting, but exam toppers use them to stay focused and reduce anxiety during long study sessions.

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Fidget Spinners

Not just for health buffs! Standing while studying has been shown to improve concentration and energy levels, keeping you alert for hours.

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Standing Desks

Silence the distractions of the world! These headphones create an isolated study bubble that helps students dive deep into their notes.

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Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Screen fatigue is real, and blue light glasses help reduce strain, letting you study on your devices longer without headaches or eye strain.

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Blue Light Glasses

Certain scents like lavender and peppermint are believed to improve memory retention and reduce stress, making these diffusers a study essential.

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Aromatherapy Diffusers

Who knew bouncing could boost brainpower? Using a balance ball instead of a chair increases focus and helps keep the brain active.

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Balance Balls

Organizing thoughts visually with sticky notes has helped many students quickly review complex topics—especially during the last-minute cramming phase.

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Color-Coded Sticky Notes

These bizarre tools may seem unconventional, but they just might be the game-changer in your study routine!

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Secret to Exam Success