Shrubs To Grow

7 Colorful Flowering

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Flowering shrubs have attractive foliage and can help add colour to your space. Here are seven colourful flowering shrubs you can plant.


It is also known as a blue beard or blue mist. It features purple flowers with gray-green leaves.


Hydrangea is available in various varieties. It has a huge cluster of flowers on a single stem.


Ninebark is a late spring flowering shrub that has a cluster of tiny blooms in shades of white and pink.

Smoke bush

This flowering shrub has soft flowers in a range of colours like green, yellow, pinkish bronze, and deep burgundy.


Roses also have a wide range of variety with their irresistible fragrance.


Gardenia has dark green and glossy leaves with white flowers.

Butterfly bush

Butterfly bush's flower colours range from pale to deep purple and shades of pink to white and yellow.