7 Common Fitness Myths Debunked

Women gain mass when they lift weights

Lifting weights tones your body, as opposed to the belief that it will make you look like a bodybuilder.

Tip: Always perform a lifting exercise under the supervision of a trainer.

Exercise can be a supplement to a bad diet

When it comes to weight management, diet and nutrition are crucial.

Don't overdo it. Pick a workout circuit based on your capacity.

One must spend hours in gym

Workouts targeting your needs are more important than the duration.

Stretching before exercising is mandatory

Stretching after exercise is more beneficial when your muscles and joints are warm.

More sweat indicates better workout

Sweating occurs to control your body's temperature and might not be an indication of calories burned.

Detoxifying can help lose weight

Intermittent fasting or rigorous diets can slow your metabolism in the long run.

Morning workouts more effective

Working out at any time of the day will yield the same result.

You must listen to your body and pick a slot at gym.