7 Flower Plants That Should Be Grown On The South-Side Of House

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Rose: Loves sunlight, south exposure enhances blooming, requiring at least 6 hours of direct sun.

Hibiscus: Thrives in full sun, south-facing placement ensures vibrant, large blooms and healthy growth.

Bougainvillea: Flourishes in sunlight, south exposure encourages profuse flowering and lush, colourful bracts.

Geranium: Requires full sun, south-facing areas ensure prolific flowering and compact, bushy growth.

Petunia: Sun-loving, south exposure promotes continuous blooming, creating a vibrant and lush display.

Marigold: Thrives in sunlight, south placement encourages robust growth and abundant, cheerful blooms.

Zinnia: Loves sunlight, south-facing locations ensure bright, long-lasting blooms and healthy foliage.