Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

7 Foods To Avoid On An Empty Stomach

Certain foods should be avoided on an empty stomach because of their potential to cause digestive issues, disrupt metabolic balance, and affect nutrient absorption. Here are a few of them.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are highly acidic. Consuming them on an empty stomach can increase the production of stomach acid, which may lead to heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.

Spicy Foods

Eating spicy dishes on an empty stomach can lead to bloating or even gastritis in some individuals. 


Coffee is acidic and contains caffeine, which stimulates the production of stomach acid. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to increased acid levels, causing irritation and potentially troublesome conditions.

Carbonated Drinks

Drinks such as sodas and sparkling water, contain carbon dioxide gas that can expand in the stomach when consumed on an empty stomach.

Sugary Foods

Foods high in refined sugars, such as pastries, candies, and sweetened beverages, can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels when eaten on an empty stomach.


Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach allows it to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream which can lead to rapid intoxication, impaired judgment, and an increased risk of alcohol-related accidents or injuries.

Processed and Fried Foods

Burgers, fries, and packaged snacks are high in unhealthy fats, refined carbohydrates, and artificial additives. These foods can lead to bloating, discomfort, and a feeling of heaviness.