7 Foods To Increase Your Haemoglobin Level

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Haemoglobin is a protein found in the red blood cells. It is responsible for carrying oxygen from the respiratory organs to the other parts of the body.

The condition in which the blood doesn’t have enough red blood cells is known as anaemia.

If you are suffering from low haemoglobin content in your body then you should incorporate these foods and vegetables into your regular diet.

If you are suffering from low haemoglobin content in your body then you should incorporate these foods and vegetables into your regular diet.

Palm Leaf

Pea protein shake generally contains more protein than the regular protein powders that we often find in the market. Try to consume 20 grams of pea protein shake every day to increase your haemoglobin level.

Pea Protein Shake

Palm Leaf

Mint leaves are rich in iron which is very helpful in increasing haemoglobin levels in your body. 100 grams of mint leaves contain 16 mg of iron.

Mint Leaf Juice

Palm Leaf

Beetroot is rich in various nutrients like potassium, iron, vitamin C, etc. These nutrients help the red blood cells to use oxygen more effectively. Several studies state that 100 grams of beetroot contains around 0.8 mg of iron.

Beetroot Juice

Palm Leaf

The simple and tasty smoothie made with sesame seeds and dates contains a high amount of iron. Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and fibre. Blend soaked dates, sesame seeds, ghee, and milk to make this smoothie.

Sesame and Date Smoothie

Palm Leaf

Prune juice is also a good source of iron. People suffering from low haemoglobin levels should incorporate this juice into their regular diet. It also prevents blood sugar levels from increasing, making it a suitable option for diabetic patients.

Prune Juice

Palm Leaf

Almonds are one of the most important dry fruits for our body. It has numerous benefits and should be consumed regularly. Almonds are rich in iron and vitamin E, which help increase haemoglobin levels and maintain healthy red blood cells.


Palm Leaf

Broccoli is rich in iron, and vitamin C, which helps to maintain the haemoglobin level in our body and also improves iron absorption.
