7 Fruit Plants That Grow In India During Holi

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Guava: Known for its sweet and aromatic fruit, the guava tree is commonly found in India.

Mango: The mango tree begins to bloom around Holi, heralding the arrival of the summer fruit.

Jamun: Jamun trees start flowering around Holi, promising a bountiful fruit harvest later in the year.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate trees bloom with bright red flowers, hinting at the juicy fruit to come.

Banana: Banana plants often bear fruit around Holi, with their distinctive flowers adding to the festive atmosphere.

Papaya: Papaya trees flower around this time, offering a glimpse of the delicious fruit to come.

Jackfruit: Jackfruit trees begin to flower around Holi, hinting at the large and flavorful fruit that will follow.