7 Healthy Beverages To Naturally Lower High Cholesterol

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

To make hormones and cells, the body needs the waxy molecule known as cholesterol.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are the two main kinds of cholesterol.

Unfortunately, having too much cholesterol can lead to excessive blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Green Tea


It contains catechins and other antioxidants that can help lower total and dangerous LDL cholesterol levels. Don’t drink green tea alone though. You can use a slice of a digestive biscuit or a cookie.

Berry Smoothies


Many berries are abundant in antioxidants and fiber, both of which may help decrease cholesterol levels. Simply combine some berries with yogurt in a blender and drink it.

Cocoa Drink


Dark chocolate’s main ingredient cocoa has flavanols (antioxidants) which may decrease cholesterol levels. According to experts, drinking a beverage with cocoa flavanols in it can reduce harmful LDL while increasing HD.

Tomato Juice


Lycopene which is abundant in tomatoes and may help lower dangerous LDL cholesterol and raise lipid levels. Additionally, research demonstrates that juicing tomatoes raises their lycopene content.

Soy Milk


Soy milk is a low-fat, saturated-calorie beverage. Use soy milk or creamers in place of cream or other high-fat dairy products to reduce or manage cholesterol levels.

Oat Milk

Drinking oats may reduce cholesterol levels because they contain beta-glucans, which interact with bile salts in the stomach to form a gel-like substance that may prevent the digestion of cholesterol.


Plant-based Milk


If you enjoy drinking milk, keep in mind that if your cholesterol level is found to be excessive, some simple dietary changes may need to be made. The first of several potential answers is to transition to plant-based milk.