7 high-sugar fruits diabetes patients must avoid

Moneycontrol News July 14, 2024

One mango has a whopping 46 grams of sugar -- not your best choice if you’re diabetic or trying to watch your weight or how much sugar you eat.

One large apple has about 25 grams of sugar. If you want to limit your potential sugar intake from apples, pay attention to colors. Research shows that green apples typically have less sugar than red-colored varieties.

One banana has about 15 grams of sugar. The sugar content increases as bananas ripen and go from green to yellow.

One cup of cherries have 19 grams of sugar. It helps if you measure the cherries beforehand so you know exactly how much sugar you’ll get.

One cup of grapes have 23 grams of sugar. It's easy to keep munching on grapes but you may want to slice them and freeze for a few hours to reduce consumption.

One large orange has about 17 grams of sugar. It is much more concentrated in orange juice.

One medium pear has 17.5 grams of sugar. Canned pears can drive up the sugar content.