7 Lucky Plants for Home and Workplace in 2024

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Lucky Bamboo: A symbol of prosperity and good fortune, it brings positive energy to both home and workplace.

Money Tree: Believed to attract wealth and financial luck, this resilient plant is a popular choice for offices and homes.

Jade Plant: Known for attracting wealth and success, the jade plant is considered auspicious in many cultures.

Snake Plant: A resilient and air-purifying plant, it is believed to bring protective energy and good luck.

Lucky Jade (Crassula Ovata): With its round leaves, it is thought to attract prosperity and positive vibes.

Peace Lily: Known for promoting harmony and purity, it is a great addition to create a peaceful environment.

Basil Plant: Associated with good luck and positive energy, it is also believed to ward off negative influences.