7 Morning Habits For Your Child To Make Them Responsible

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

It is a well-acknowledged fact that children are akin to malleable clay, shaped by their upbringing and early experiences. 

Instilling positive habits during their formative years is crucial for shaping responsible, independent, and well-rounded individuals.

Establishing morning rituals for kids can have a lasting impact on their future. Here are 7 essential habits for a brighter future.

Teaching children to rise early each morning is a valuable habit. Setting alarms and ensuring they respond promptly helps cultivate discipline.

Immediately after waking, instil the practice of making their beds. Teach them to tidy their sleeping space, neatly folding bedsheets and arranging pillows.

Promote independence by teaching children to perform their morning rituals autonomously. This includes brushing their teeth, washing their face, using the restroom, and taking a bath.

Introduce children to the calming influence of meditation and prayers. Encourage them to meditate or recite prayers in the morning, fostering gratitude and empathy. 

Dedicate at least 20 to 30 minutes for play in the morning. Play not only energizes children but also keeps them active and alert throughout the day.

Teach kids the importance of starting their day with a glass of water, preferably lukewarm water on an empty stomach.

Encourage your child to take responsibility for their school essentials. Whether in the morning or the night before, help them pack their bags with necessary books and materials.