7 Natural Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Mosquitoes in homes are a common problem and especially in monsoon season, the situation gets worse.

Steer away from using coils, insect repellent sprays and liquids and opt for these natural methods instead.

Plants like lavender, lemongrass, basil, rosemary and catnip are poisonous to insects and mosquitoes, so simply planting them at the entry points of your home can help the tiny creatures away.

Mosquitoes prefer to hover around still water and also to lay their eggs, so always take precautions and never let water stagnate in open areas like your garden.

Mosquitoes despise the smell of alcohol and beer, and keeping liquor in a glass or dish helps keep mosquitoes away from the surroundings.

Apple cider vinegar is a strong remedy to keep mosquitoes away. Combining it with other ingredients makes it a powerful spray.

Lavender oil and tea tree oil are efficient repellents as mosquitoes despise the smell of these oils.

Mosquitoes do not like the smell of citrus fruits and cloves. Kkeeping a lemon stuffed with cloves in the corners of homes helps in killing them.

Camphor is available in different formulations and lighting the camphor and shutting all the doors helps in making a mosquito-free room in 30 minutes.