7 Oats Based Breakfast Ideas To Try Out

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Overnight oats: Mix oats with milk or yogurt, add fruits and nuts, and let it sit overnight in the fridge.

Oatmeal smoothie: Blend oats with fruits, yogurt, and milk to make a nutritious and filling smoothie.

Oat pancakes: Make pancakes using oat flour for a healthier twist.

Oatmeal cookies: Bake cookies using oats, bananas, and a dash of honey for a guilt-free treat.

Savory oatmeal: Cook oats with broth instead of water, add vegetables, and top with a poached egg for a savory twist.

Oatmeal parfait: Layer oats with yogurt and fruits in a glass for a visually appealing and nutritious breakfast.

Oatmeal with chocolate: Mix cocoa powder and a bit of honey into your oatmeal for a chocolatey breakfast treat.