July 15, 2024


7 Powerful Cognitive Skills You Didn't Know You Had

Spatial Awareness

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This is the ability to understand the spatial relationships between yourself and the objects around you. It allows you to navigate your environment, park a car, and even understand art.

Kinesthetic Awareness

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This is the ability to sense your body's position and movement in space. It's what allows you to ride a bike, dance, and even tie your shoes.

Peripheral Vision

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This is the ability to see objects or light outside your central field of view. It helps you stay aware of your surroundings and detect potential hazards.

Implicit Memory

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This is the type of memory that operates unconsciously. It's responsible for things like remembering how to ride a bike or how to tie your shoes.


Image Source: Canva

This is a condition in which stimulation of one sense leads to experiences in another. For example, someone with synaesthesia might see colors when they hear music.


Image Source: Canva

This is the ability to make decisions or judgments without conscious reasoning. It's often based on unconscious knowledge and experience.

Mirror Neurons

Image Source: Canva

These are a group of brain cells that fire both when we perform an action and when we observe someone else performing the same action. They are thought to play a role in empathy, imitation, and learning.