Reasons To Avoid Spicy Food In Summers

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Spicy foods can lead to excessive sweating, which can be uncomfortable in summer.

Some spices, like ginger and black pepper, can increase the production of stomach acid, leading to indigestion or heartburn, which can be exacerbated in hot weather.

Spicy foods can irritate the digestive system, causing discomfort and bloating, especially when the body is already dealing with the heat.

Spicy foods may also lead to dehydration as they can make you sweat more, leading to fluid loss

In some people, spicy foods can trigger headaches or migraines, which can be more common in hot weather.

Excessive consumption of spices can lead to an imbalance in the body's internal heat, known as "pitta" in Ayurveda, which is believed to be exacerbated in summer.

Avoiding spicy foods in summer can help maintain a more balanced and cooler body temperature, promoting overall comfort and well-being.