7 Reasons To Not Consume A Lot Of Sauces In The Summers

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

High Sugar Content: Many sauces contain high amounts of sugar, which can lead to weight gain.

High Salt Content: Excessive salt in sauces can contribute to dehydration in hot weather.

Digestive Issues: Some sauces, especially spicy ones, can cause indigestion and discomfort in the heat.

Calorie Dense: Sauces are often calorie-dense, which can be detrimental if you're trying to maintain a healthy weight.

Heat Sensitivity: Sauces can spoil quickly in the heat, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

Hydration Concerns: Consuming sauces may make you less inclined to drink water, leading to dehydration.

Skin Issues: Some sauces, particularly those high in spices, can exacerbate skin conditions in the heat.