7 Reasons To Perform Surya Namaskar Daily

Performing the 12 asanas stretches many muscles and ligaments.

Strengthens muscles

Muscular strength and flexibility improve with consistent practice.

Performing multiple rounds at a time can lead to calorie burn.

Weight management 

Increase the number and speed of repetitions for more benefits.

It improves blood circulation and oxygen supply throughout the body.

Boosts immunity

Consistent practice leads to better stamina and higher energy levels.

The asanas help intestine and digestive system function better.

Improves digestion

This is ideal for those who often suffer from gut health issues.

It helps regulate menstrual cycle and reduces cramps.

Menstrual health

Surya Namaskar also aids in maintaining hormonal health.

It relaxes the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep faster.

Brain Health

It helps you focus, relieve stress and improves mental clarity

Regular practice boosts overall immunity of the body.

Aids recovery

It helps people recover faster from injuries and diseases.