7 Reasons Why People Lie, As Per Psychology 

By Archisha Yadav | September 18, 2024

People sometimes lie to help others or to avoid hurting their feelings. For example, telling a small child that Santa is real.

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Altruistic Lies

Lies are often told to protect personal privacy. Whether it's hiding an embarrassing truth or concealing actions, lying can be a way to maintain secrecy.

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Keeping Secrets

Lying can be a defence mechanism to protect one’s image. People may lie to avoid shame, judgement, or feelings of vulnerability when exposed.

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To Preserve Image

Lies are often used to escape punishment or retaliation. Fear of anger, judgement, or consequences can lead to dishonesty in relationships or everyday situations.

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Avoiding Punishment

Some people lie compulsively, often without a clear reason. This is often driven by fear of being judged or rejected for telling the truth.

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Out of Compulsion

People sometimes lie to achieve personal goals, like securing a job or impressing someone. This type of goal-oriented lying is often seen as harmless.

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For Personal Gain

Certain individuals may lie for pleasure or the thrill of manipulation. These habitual liars enjoy the control they gain from deceiving others.

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For Pleasure