7 signs of breast cancer you shouldn't ignore

Lump in the breast or underarms

The most common warning sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast or underarm. While not all lumps are cancerous, any new, hard, irregularly shaped lump should be checked by a healthcare professional.

Thickening or swelling of the breast

Unexplained thickening or swelling in a part of the breast could indicate cancer. Even if there is no distinct lump, any noticeable changes in breast tissue should be evaluated.

Irritation or dimpling of breast skin

Changes in the skin texture of the breast, such as irritation, rash, or dimpling can be signs of underlying breast cancer. These changes may make the skin appear similar to an orange peel.

Any redness, scaliness, or flaky skin in the nipple area or on the breast itself should be taken seriously. These symptoms can indicate inflammatory breast cancer, a rare but aggressive form of the disease.

Redness or flaky skin around the nipple

If the nipple starts to turn inward (inversion) or you experience persistent pain, burns, or itches around the nipple, it may be a sign of breast cancer. These changes should prompt a medical consultation.

Pain in nipples 

Unexpected nipple discharge, particularly if it is bloody or clear, should be checked immediately. Any discharge that is not related to breastfeeding needs medical attention.

Nipple discharge 

Any noticeable change in the size, shape, or texture of your breast, including asymmetry or sudden swelling, can be a sign of breast cancer. Even if there are no other symptoms, these changes warrant a professional evaluation.

Changes in size or shape of breast

Persistent pain in any area of the breast should be investigated. While breast pain alone is often not a sign of cancer, it can be a symptom when accompanied by other changes.

Pain in any area of the breast

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