Moneycontrol News December 6, 2023
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Eating too quickly can have negative outcomes. Chewing food slowly and mindfully allows for better digestion. This can lead to reduced bloating and gas.
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Whole wheat bread (atta bread) contains higher levels of nutrients like fiber, B vitamins, minerals (like magnesium, zinc, and iron), and antioxidants. On the other hand, refined grains, such as those found in white bread, have lower nutritional benefits.
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VIn India, ingredients on packaged food items are listed by decreasing order of weight. So if the first ingredient on your packet of ‘health’ drink is sugar, or if your biscuits contain palm oil, you can make an informed decision about whether you want to buy it.
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Indian food is typically heavy on carbohydrates and as a result, many Indians have a protein deficiency. Protein is an essential macronutrient crucial for various bodily functions, so include more eggs, paneer, lean meats, dal and protein-rich foods in your diet.
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Curd contains live cultures of beneficial bacteria. These probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, aid digestion, and support a strong immune system.
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Fruits are a rich source of nutrients, minerals and fibres. However, fruit juices, even the ones squeezed at home, remove beneficial fibre from the fruit and can be high in natural sugars. Due to the concentration of sugars and the absence of fiber, fruit juice can be caloric dense.
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If you can’t cut out sugar from your daily cup of tea or coffee completely, start by reducing the quantity. Go from one teaspoon to half a teaspoon and gradually reduce the amount of sugar you consume.
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