7 Simple Habits to Boost Your Stamina 

This is one of the best ways to boost stamina and metabolism.

Make sure to be consistent and at least exercise for about an hour.

A diet can break or make things better for you. Agree?

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables but restrict sugary products.

They say water should always be your go-to beverage and we agree.

You must drink 7 to 8 glasses of water daily. 

Maintaining a good sleep cycle is important for your body.

It will keep you energised for the whole day.

Caffeine is known to give an instant boost of energy.

Please don't overdo it. It can harm your digestive system.

Not a fan of going to gym? Take up swimming. 

Try to at least swim for about 20 minutes if you are a beginner.

Alcoholic beverages are considered  to decrease your stamina.

It can also lead to dehydration and make you feel tired.