7 Spices That Offer Health Benefits During Winters

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Cinnamon: Boosts circulation, aids digestion, and adds warmth, making it ideal for winter health.

Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory properties reduce winter aches, pains, and boost overall immunity.

Cardamom: Enhances digestion, warms the body, and supports respiratory health in cold weather.

Cloves: Rich in antioxidants, cloves combat winter infections and provide relief from cold symptoms.

Nutmeg: Supports sleep, aids digestion, and adds flavor to winter dishes for overall health benefits.

Black Pepper: Improves digestion, promotes warmth, and contains antioxidants beneficial for winter well-being.

Fennel Seeds: Relieves winter bloating, aids digestion, and adds a sweet, aromatic touch to recipes.