7 Starters To Serve At A New Year's Eve Party

Produced By:- Shreeja Bhattacharya

Mini Caprese Skewers: Skewer cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil for a festive and refreshing appetizer.

Shrimp Cocktail: Serve shrimp with tangy cocktail sauce in glasses for a classy and flavourful appetizer.

Cranberry Brie Bites: Create bite-sized puff pastry cups with brie and cranberry for a sweet-savory combination.

Smoked Salmon Canapés: Top crackers with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and dill for elegant and delicious canapés.

Bruschetta Bar: Set up a bruschetta station with various toppings like tomatoes, olives, and cheeses for customization.

Assorted Cheese Platter: Create a cheese platter with a variety of cheeses, crackers, and fruits for easy indulgence.

Chocolate Fondue: Set up a chocolate fondue station with marshmallows, fruits, and cookies for a sweet  start to the night.