Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Sujata Singh

7 Strangest and Unique Architecture in the World

There is a lot of beautiful architecture in the world. Here are the top 7 strangest ones.

Dunmore Pineapple (Scotland)

It is an eccentric 18th-century summer house built in the shape of a pineapple.

Buzludzha Monument (Bulgaria)

This monument located on Mount Buzludzha is the biggest ideological monument in Bulgaria. It was built by the Communists in the 1970s and is now abandoned.

Fort Bourtange (Netherlands)

It is a village with a population of 430 in the municipality of Westerwolde in the Netherlands.

National Fisheries Development Board building (India)

This fish-shaped building in Hyderabad is a classic example of mimetic architecture. It houses the National Fisheries Development Board.

Piano Violin House (China)

The Piano and Violin building in Huainan City, China, is around 16 m (52 ft) tall. It was designed by students of Hefei University of Technology in 2007.

Five Thurloe Square (UK)

This house in Kensington, London, is known as the Thin House and, at its narrowest end, is only 6 ft wide.

Mozu Tombs (Japan)

Located in Sakai, these keyhole-shaped tombs of Japan, known as kofu were built for ancient emperors.