Yellow Star

7 Tips To Resolve Conflicts In Your Relationship

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Having occasional bickering, conflicts or disagreements with your partner is completely natural and healthy, but it can be harmful too.

If not resolved in time, then these conflicts can be a significant source of stress.

Here are some tips by which you can resolve your relationship conflicts.

Communication is the key

Creating an environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing their feelings and thoughts without the fear of being judged can help you resolve your conflicts with your partner.

Avoid blame game

Avoid blaming games and criticising each other try to understand what your partner wants to say and focus on finding solutions together.

Accept the past

People who had traumatic experiences during their childhood days find it difficult to express themselves to their partners. If you’re with someone like this, it’s important to accept their past and find ways to make them feel safe and better.

Have reasonable expectations

Having unrealistic expectations from your partner could also lead to major arguments. Depending on only one person to fulfil everything we want will only burden our relationship.

Be a good listener

Even if you don’t agree with your partner, try to listen first to what they want to convey. It’s vital to understand your partner’s perspective too.

Seek professional help

If conflicts persist, seek professional help from a relationship expert or therapist who can help you and your partner get to the root of your problem and find ways to resolve them.

Take a break

Emotions run high during conflicts and can often lead to major arguments or worse. In such cases, take a break from your relationship and try to resolve the problem once you both are in the right state of mind.