7 Unique Ways To Say No To Your Child

Do not say an outright no. Offer solutions that they may accept.

Offer Alternatives

Give them treats or let them watch TV after finishing homework.

Use phrases like, “it’s a no-go” and “please don’t do this.”

Say No Without Scaring Them

Kids are likely to obey when you don’t make it sound like an order.

Children generally cannot resist gifts like toys or treats.

Offer Them Gifts

Try to distract them with these if they throw a tantrum.

Have a heart-to-heart conversation with your little ones.

Be Honest

Explain them the reason behind your ‘no’ in a patient manner.

Let them know that certain things are an absolute ‘no’ in calm manner.

Set Boundaries

Teach kids the importance of listening and not interrupting others.

Teach Them Listening

Listen, validate and understand their feelings when they ask for something.

Acknowledge Their Feelings