Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

7 Ways To keep Your Children Safe From Dengue

Eliminate Breeding Sites: Ensure there's no stagnant water around your home. Empty containers, clean gutters, and fix any leaks.

Dress Protectively: Dress your child in long-sleeved clothing and pants to minimize exposed skin. Light-colored clothing can also help deter mosquitoes.

Apply Mosquito Repellent: Use mosquito repellent,specifically designed for children, on your child's exposed skin and clothing.

Educate Your Child: Teach your child about the importance of avoiding mosquito bites and what dengue symptoms are, so they can report any illness promptly.

Immunity boosting diet: Add immunity boosting elements like fruits and vegetables to child's diet.

Seek Medical Attention: If your child shows any symptoms of dengue, such as high fever, severe headaches, joint pain, or rashes, seek medical attention immediately.

Community Efforts: Encourage your community to participate in mosquito control efforts. Cleaning up common areas and implementing mosquito control measures collectively can reduce the risk for everyone.