7 Ways To Protect Your Heart In

Post-Diwali Pollution

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Did you know, of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, a significant 10 cities belong to our country?

Recent research shows that small particles of air pollution can significantly affect the function of the heart apart from your lungs.

If you have heart disease or an underlying heart condition, particulate matter floating in the air can increase your risk of having a heart attack.

Stay inside

When it’s smoggy outside, it’s best to stay indoors and use an air purifier to get cleaner, fresher air. And, certainly, smoking indoors is a no-no because it affects not just you but also your loved ones.

Avoid congested areas

If you have to travel through a congested area, try to avoid it and take another route, which may take longer but will be cleaner.

Get to know your neighborhood

Pay attention to places and times of day where air quality affects you the most.

Walk away from the cars on the pavement

It’s nice to be a good Samaritan by strolling on the sidewalks, but it’s much better if you can walk away from all the automobiles on the road. After all, you don’t want to inhale all that smog.

Pay attention to the air in your home

Make sure that the air in your home is free of smoke, dust and chemical fumes. To enhance the air quality in your home, try using a moist rag instead of a feather duster when dusting.

Listen to your body

Learn to listen and understand your own reactions amid bad weather–and when you need to adjust your plans.

Take care of the environment

You can take care of your heart by caring for the environment by adopting simple measures like planting more trees at your place, walking instead of using your car all the time and using public transportation if need be.