Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

7 Yoga Asanas For Strong Bones

Bone disorder cases are becoming a major concern globally as young people are being found to have various problems related to bones. Practice these yoga poses daily to build strength of your bones.

Virabhadrasana: Stand with legs spread at a distance of 3-4 feet. Bend the left foot 45 degrees in, keep the right foot out 90 degrees. Extend arms, bend right knee and look at right hand Wait 30 seconds. Now repeat from the left side.

Vrikshasana: Stand in Tadasana, now bend the right leg and rest the claws on the left thigh as high as possible. While balancing the body, raise the arms up and then join the palms in a posture of namaskar. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Trikonasana: Stand with your feet spread at a distance of 3-4 feet. Keep the right foot out at 90 degrees and the left foot at 15 degrees, then turn your body to the right and raise the left hand and touch the ground with the right hand. Wait 30 seconds, repeat with your left leg.

Parivritta Trikonasana: Stand with your feet open for 3 feet and bend the left leg at 45-60 degrees inwards. Then keep the right foot at 90 degrees out and slowly turn the torso at 90 degrees from the hip to right. While inhaling your breath, rest the left hand on the ground on the outer side of the right feet. Look at it by lifting the right hand upwards. Wait for 30 seconds and then repeat with your other leg.

Hastapadasana: Stand straight and keep both hands on the hips then lean forward while inhaling. Try to keep the hands on the toes. Stay in this posture for 15 to 30 seconds and then get to normal position while exhaling.

Setubandh Asana: Lie down on your back and keep your hands close to your body. Now lift the hips up by putting pressure on the feet and join both the hands. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat it three times.

Uttit Parsvakonasana: Stand with your feet spread upto 4 feet. Keep the left foot at 20 degrees inwards and the right at 90 degrees. Bend the right knee and place the right hand on the floor outside the right foot. Now straighten the left arm and leg. Stay like this for 60 seconds.