8 best exercises to manage PCOS

Cardiovascular workouts Cardio workouts include walking, running, swimming, cycling and hiking help to control the effects of PCOS.

HIIT workouts High intensity interval training is a combination of short, very-high intensity bursts of cardio exercise followed by the same period or longer of rest.

Strength training Strength training increases skeletal muscles thereby enhancing the body' ability to manage glucose. This lowers the androgen level, the hormone that affects the reproductive system of women.

Yoga There’s evidence to suggest that mind-body exercises like yoga can improve anxiety, hormones, menstrual cycles, and metabolic parameters in women with PCOS. Stress is known to exacerbate PCOS symptoms, thus yoga will help to manage stress.

Pilates  Like yoga, pilates is a great way to relieve stress. Women with PCOS are prone to low moods and fatigue. Pilates help to regulate energy..

Walking Walking has several benefits. But it is especially beneficial for women with PCOS. Just 30 minutes of walking per day can cut down the risk of chronic diseases and improve your cardiovascular health.

Core strength Improving strength in the pelvis, legs and upper abdomen helps to regulate frequent pain in the lower back that can lead to complications to PCOS diagnosis.

Zumba  Zumba is a light and fun activity that have risen to prominence in the recent past. It helps women suffering from PCOS cut down unnecessary weight without having to carry vigorous workouts. 

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