8 Eating Habits to Steer Clear Of

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Because your body doesn't have enough time to signal fullness, eating quickly can result in overeating. 

Portion sizes that are too large might lead to weight gain and other health problems. 

Your metabolism might be thrown off if you skip meals, especially breakfast, which can result in binge eating later in the day. 

Mindless eating might result from eating in front of the TV, working, or while scrolling through your phone. 

Sometimes hunger is confused for dehydration. 

Nutrient shortages and poor general health might result from a diet heavy in processed foods and light in fruits and healthy fats.

Eat just when you are actually hungry, and stop when you are satiated but not overstuffed.

Large meals or snacks eaten right before bedtime can interfere with digestion and sleep.