Foods to avoid in your diet

Moneycontrol News September 14, 2023

Instant noodles

A food item popular among youth is instant noodles. But it has a high percentage of monosodium glutamate, which can cause metabolic problems.

Energy drinks

While beverages can help infuse energy, some products such as energy drinks must be avoided since it can cause inflammation inside the body.

Diet soda

Apart from energy drinks, the one other avoidable beverage is diet soda which contains artificial sweeteners, which could cause gastrointestinal issues and even cancer.


Tilefish should be a strict no-no in your diet since it contains mercury in large quantities which can cause food poisoning.

Packaged donuts

Packaged donuts must not be a part of your diet since it contains trans fats, which could increase your cholesterol levels.

French fries

French fries is a popular dish at social events, but is an item that should be avoided since it contains refined carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain.


Alcoholic drinks must be avoided since it could lead headache and dehydration.


While salt is a key ingredient in foods, adding excess amounts must be avoided since it can lead to hypertension.