8 Foods To Avoid If You Are Diabetic

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Refined carbs  increases blood sugar, and in sometime the person starts feeling hungry again.

Sugary foods contain high amounts of refined sugars and have little or no nutritional value which can cause sharp spikes in blood glucose.

 Unhealthful fats (saturated and trans fats) raise bad cholesterol and reduce good cholesterol levels.

Alcohol can limit your liver’s ability to release glucose. Alcohol may also interfere with certain diabetes medications.

 Bacon, ham, salami contain high amounts of saturated fats and harmful chemicals that are not present in fresh meat. 

 Foods that are high in salt can raise blood pressure. Salt may appear as “sodium” on a food label.

 High-sugar condiments and sauces like ketchup and barbecue sauce.

 Sweetened yogurt and ice cream with added sugars are best avoided.

Monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, eating healthy well balanced diet and staying physically fit are essential aspects of diabetes management.