8 fruits and vegetables to consume during Dengue

Kiwi According to reports, kiwi contains vitamins C and E, potassium and antioxidants that help to boost immunity.

Oatmeal Carbohydrates are needed in the body during recovery. Oatmeal is easy to digest and not heavy on the stomach. It can also be consumed if you are lactose intolerant.

Papaya leaves Papaya leaves help in boosting platelet counts which drop to dangerously low levels during dengue. Juice made from these leaves is recommended.  

Coconut water Coconut water is rich in source of salts and minerals. It helps to maintain the body's electrolyte balance.

Broccoli This green vegetable is rich in vitamin K which helps to increase blood platelet counts.

Herbal tea Herbal tea can help dengue patients to sleep better which helps in quicker recovery.

Yoghurt Yoghurt contains probiotics that help to battle bacterial and viral diseases. Dengue patients benefit from its immunity-boosting qualities.

Pomegranate Pomegranates are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that the body needs. It helps to reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

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